The Yes Brain
Over the last few years we've relied heavily on the work of Dr. Dan Siegel and Dr. Tina Payne Bryson, co-authors of The Whole Brain Child and No-Drama Discipline. Their research and practice around simple brain-based approaches to helping children regulate their emotional states has influenced teachers throughout Lower School as well as the work we do with individuals and small groups of students as Assistant Heads.

We've talked about the work of Carol Dweck on this blog before: here's what she had to say about The Yes Brain:
Dr. Siegel and Dr. Bryson have a new collaboration coming out January 9th, which seemed the perfect opportunity for teachers and parents to enter into a joint dialogue around how we support our children. The Yes Brain focuses on how we can help move our children from states of reactivity (acting out or shutting down when facing challenges or unwelcome tasks) into states of receptivity that allow them to try new things, access their problem-solving strategies, and overcome difficulty.
We've talked about the work of Carol Dweck on this blog before: here's what she had to say about The Yes Brain:
“This unique and exciting book shows us how to help children embrace life with all of its challenges and thrive in the modern world. Integrating research from social development, clinical psychology, and neuroscience, it’s a veritable treasure chest of parenting insights and techniques.”
—Carol Dweck, author of Mindset
The Yes Brain Parent-Teacher Discussion Group
January 30,
February 20 and
March 6, 2018
Lower School Library
Join us for a series of book-based parent-teacher conversations that will build community and connection through discussion of Daniel Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson’s newest research around social-emotional growth. Delving into four fundamental areas of the Yes Brain – balance, resilience, insight and empathy – we will develop strategies and shared language, and explore the role of mindfulness in brain/body health. We will extend parents’ learning about tools we use in the Lower School, such as the “Green, Red and Blue Zones.” We’ll also incorporate mindfulness and explore how to make these Yes Brain strategies visible and accessible to our kids.
Books are available for purchase through Green Bean Books at a 10% discount using this form if ordered before Monday, January 8th. Delivery will take place around Friday, January 19th.
Led by your Assistant Heads, LS Counselor and participating teachers, these conversations are sure to spark lots of ideas and inspiration! Each interactive session will give you a chance to hone your skills and learn new ones. Parents and teachers, please join us even if you haven’t yet read/finished the book.
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